Sunday, April 25, 2010


Eyes speak more when a heart starts listening to someone silently,
and life seems to be more exiting when some1 start reading eyes silently.

LOVE never dies a natural death.
It dies bcoz we dnt knw how 2 replenish its source.
It dies of blindness & errors& betrayals.
It dies of illness, wounds, weariness,withering and tarnishing.

A seed while growing makes no sound.
A tree when falling makes huge noise.
Destruction shouts. Creation is always quiet.

Apologizing doesn't mean that YOU are wrong & the other is right.
It only means that YOU value the relationship much more than your EGO.

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take life the way you go ....
And remember you are born to live and
Not living because you are born.

No one has ever won the game of chess always moving ahead.
Sometimes we have to move backwards to move ahead successfully

Life is a mirror which often gets misty with the fog of reality.
If we wipe it with our faith, we will see clear reflection of our dreams.

When God leads you to the Edge of the Cliff,
Trust Him fully and Let Go,
Only One of Two Things will happen,
Either He'll Catch You When You Fall,
Or He'll teach You How to Fly

A boat is always safe at the dock
But it is not the purpose it was built for.

No candle looses its light while lighting up another candle.,
So never stop helping other, Bcoz it makes ur life more MEANINGFUL

Someone hurts you, don't mind it. It is the law of nature :
''The tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets the maximum number of stones"

It feels good to stand on ground and watch up high at your AIM...
But it feels BEST when you stand up high and others watch you as their AIM

Life is a piano.whitekeys ar happy moments & Black keys are sad moments ...
but remember both keys are played together 2 give sweet music.

People will Always Throw Stones in Your Path.
Now, it depends on U What  U,ll Make From it-
a Wall...........or a Bridge.........

Being a good person is like being a GOAL KEEPER -
No matter how many Goals we save,
People will remember only the ones we MISSED...

" If you wait for happy moments. You will wait forever
but if u start believing that you are HAPPY, you will be happy forever...."

Never take some one for granted, Hold every person close to ur heart
B-coz one day u wake up and realise that u have lost Diamonds,
while u were busy in collecting stone.

People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes.
But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

'Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One'
'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by
the moments that take our breath away

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